Georgia Can, Her Kidneys Can't
Georgia has kidney disease. A hero donor is needed.

About Georgia
I am a 54 year old woman, with a life changing request. I unfortunately lost my kidney function and have to do dialysis, which completely drains me of all energy and the ability to do many daily activities.
I am so thankful to have received a transplant of a kidney and pancreas transplant in 2002. The kidney is no longer working after having open heart surgery in November 2020 and I must get a new kidney transplant. Due to my heart I am ineligible for a cadaver kidney and must have a living donor. I am an active person, who loves to smile and laugh and bring joy to other’s lives. I was a volunteer firefighter for 8 years in a few different cities that I lived in. an Emergency Medical Technician for 12 years; both professionally and volunteer, I’ve been a Girl Scout leader for a Daisy troop, I as well am a reiki master who has volunteered to do such on animals in pain and need. I am bound and determined to beat this. The best chance for a kidney is from a living donor.
If you would be willing to help and save someone’s life and be a living donor of a kidney or would like more information, click the button to register.2020
The difference a kidney transplant will make for Georgia
Freedom from Dialysis
Not having to be connected to a machine for hours each day to live.
Being able to start to travel and spend time with family and friends.
The ability to eat normal food.
No restrictions on drinking sufficient water.
Lifespan and quality of life is drastically increased.
A return to a normal, healthy lifestyle.
What Georgia's friends say about her
J. Elfman
Georgia Stark is a wonderful person; warm, loving and a tenacious fighter. Please send her love, energy, support, prayers, healing and a kidney if you can. Please help this beautiful light continue to shine brightly.
M. Bryant
For a wonderful woman.
D. Krtil Hoblit
A friend and a wonderful person.
E. Warren
Georgia loves deeply, cares fully and wonderfully honest. I look on her as a sister. The world is a better place with her in it.